Archiv pro kateogrii 'Uncategorized'

London steamfree antigraffiti painting

London steamfree antigraffiti painting – Quality steamfree antigraffiti painting, removing of graffiti Our cleaning company A SERVIS LIPKA, s. r. o. can ensure removing of graffiti of every size. We provide to our customers services including antigraffiti protection of surface in a fight against graffiti. This protection guarantees total removal of graffiti and obviates realisation of sprayers activities on building too. We can consider the antigraffiti protection as a way how to discourage vandals or so called street artists. Sprayers are very soon tired of making new graffiti on the surface, from which the graffiti are quickly and perfectly removed,

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Manchester waxing by polymer

Manchester waxing by polymer – Mechanical cleaning and floors waxing by polymer Our company can provide general and deep mechanical cleaning of every kind of floors if a cleaning chemistry is well chosen. For quality industrial cleaning it is important to chose right brush with the right chemistry. First we will scrub of the floor and brush it with solution of water and chemistry and after with successive dirts we do the vacuuming with jet with rubber plates, which are joint on a hight-performance vacuum cleaner, which has an output about 2400 W. All damages and messes are perfectly suck

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London waxing by polymer

London waxing by polymer – Mechanical cleaning and floors waxing by polymer  Our company can provide general and deep mechanical cleaning of every kind of floors if a cleaning chemistry is well chosen. For quality industrial cleaning it is important to chose right brush with the right chemistry. First we will scrub of the floor and brush it with solution of water and chemistry and after with successive dirts we do the vacuuming with jet with rubber plates, which are joint on a hight-performance vacuum cleaner, which has an output about 2400 W. All damages and messes are perfectly suck

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Manchester pressure vacuuming

Manchester pressure vacuuming – Cleaning carpets by rotary, chemical and pressure vacuuming at the same time We provide mechanical carpets cleaning by a circular machine, which has shampoo brush, which hairs are soft with the hight of 12 cm. This guarantees deep entrance into the structure of carpet and 100 result of cleaning. Soft hair of this brush doesn’t interrupt in any way the threads of the carpet. We clean the carpets this way. On the carpet is put a very effective chemistry by Bosch RTS, which breaks deeply into the structure of the carpet. Cleaning chemistry is let it

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