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London removing of graffiti
Sophisticated system for London removing of graffiti and impregnation painting We can’t guarantee 100 % result of graffiti removing from the surface, which wasn’t treated by an antigraffiti protection. Company A SERVIS LIPKA, s. r. o. will ensure every quality and usefull protection of surfaces in the form of antigraffiti painting or spraying, which has a lifetime of 4-6 years. Our company can remove even the smallest graffiti. From gained experiences in work with graffiti removing we know that if the graffiti isn’t removed from the frontage immediately, there will appear more and more graffiti on this place after time.
Full articleGraffiti removal London
Our company succsesfully removes graffiti from almost all kinds of surfaces. Of course from some highly absorbent surfaces we are not able to remove graffiti or tags 100%, with these materials the success rate is approximately 70%. In these cases if its possible we cover the remaining shadows from spraypaint with proper paint after removal. For removal of graffiti from stone or concrete most effective method is sandblasting. We usually manage to remove grafffiti 90 to 100%. This method is also environmentally friendly because it does not require any chemicals. For other materials and surfacess we usually use graffiti removal chemicals
Full articleCarpet cleaning in London
For cleaning carpets in London we use disc machine, cleaning chemicals and high-performance vacuum cleaner. Using efficient and quality cleaning chemicals, which soak deep into the carpet and penetrate into its structure, and using a disc machine, we got rid of all the thoroughly deep-seated impurities inside carpet. First we brush carpet with disc machine and some high quality cleaning chemicals, then we wait for a while until efficient substances get deep into the structure of carpet and then we brush it again . Once the carpet was perfectly brushed, with the use of very powerful three-motor vacuum cleaner we
Full articleWashing and cleaning windows at the height in London
Washing and cleaning windows at the height in London – this contract was carried out on the 5th and 6 October 2013 by two of our employees. Overall, we cleaned 488 m2 of windows. Washing and cleaning windows at the height which are difficult to access , we can use and fork lifts and hydraulic arms . This technique is chosen preferably before climbing techniques , but when ambient conditions do not allow the use of this technique , we realize washing windows at height using rappelling techniques . Washing and cleaning windows at the height with rock-climbing techniques is
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